I would love nothing more than to say that fall is in the air. It is my favorite time of year. Alas, I cannot say that. It is once again over 100 degrees here in Northern California, compounded with humidity. But I know that fall is right around the corner with all of its nurturing glory and all of her traditions. I don’t think there is any other time of year that has more family traditions.
There are so many things to love about this time of year. The first sign of fall is when we are ready to decorate our homes in all the colors that seem to hug us. There is something very soothing about the colors of fall. These are the colors of nature after all.
Fall is a time to slow down. It is a time for Mother Nature to nurture us. It is time to take in everything she has to offer.
Fall deocrating can be so effortless.

Fall is apple pies. One of my guilty pleasures is a piece of apple pie for breakfast. Shhh, don’t tell anyone.

The first signs of fall bring the anticipation of Halloween. Whether it is helping the little ones choose just the right costume, or for me and my SH it is the anticipation of all the little ones that come to our door that evening, it seems young and old find Halloween fun. I still remember when our boys were little and how much fun we had making their costumes.
Like many of you I am ready for fall. I love everything about it. The fun, the traditions, the decorating, families coming together, the scents that fall brings with it, and the cooler weather. Oh yes, the cooler weather. I am of the age that I relish cooler weather, but that is for another discussion. LOL!
I am wishing you a very blessed and safe weekend.
Love Sue